

带式压滤机英文:Belt type filter press

真空过滤机英文:advances in vacuum filter

无格及折带真空过滤机英文: single – chamber folding belt vacuum filter

水平带式真空过滤机英文:horizontal belt filter

圆盘真空过滤机英文:disk filter

板框及厢式压滤机英文: frame and box pressure filter

气压式连续压滤机:continuous air pressure filter

沉降过滤离心脱水机:settling – filtering centrifugal dewaterer



In view of the design , manufacture , application and development of the filtering equipment for mineral processing in china , the research achievements and advances in vacuum filter , single – chamber folding belt vacuum filter , horizontal belt filter , disk filter , frame and box pressure filter , belt filter , continuous air pressure filter , settling – filtering centrifugal dewaterer and filtering mediums and aids are summarized and some opinions are given

